This man with so much beard.

What is the phonology of U-Ott-Not? Is the accent on the second syllable? If this isn't supposed to be read as one word, why, pray tell, did he use those two hyphens? I'll bet he thinks there is a grammar going on with the, you know, prefixification he's doing. Off base, though. See, he should have written U "Ott" Not or--even better-- You "Ott" Not. He's already scrunching letters, so why not conjure some non-text-messagese spelling skills and save your puns for when they'll have a real impact on your audience (which is, it seems, pedestrians and photographers looking for batfuck-nutty protest banners).
Also, if you don't read the cast of headlines at right, then you don't know how much of the 'Ho there is to deal with.
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