Friday, April 17, 2009

Texas Guv Ponders Secession

The successor to former Governor George Walker Bush, lately President of the United States, James Richard "Rick" Perry.

Brutha Obama meet Brutha Chavez

Note the photo attribution. Do you get the feeling that President B is looking at Hugo and saying, "Yeah, yeah, it's cool, but I be watchin' you smelled-Bush's-sulpher muthafucker..."

"devaluatino of the Boliviano" - an intercontinental rhyme on Evo Morales

Shall any of our print news publications survive when even the comments page at The Economist is wittier than, say, that Seal Confirms Klum's Pregnancy at New York Concert, which the NYT's felt necessary to notify its readers of, and noting, since evidently the baby's getting older, that this news was born only "9 minutes ago."

But, thankfully, here're the comments on the Bolivia article:

el_economista wrote:
April 17, 2009 8:47

Good news for Bolivia! Both government and opposition have to understand that they have to learn to live with each other. Both parties are crucial to sustain democracy in the country.
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SisifoDichoso wrote:
April 17, 2009 8:17

Indeed. Imagine what would have been of the world without western colonialism.
No slavery, no piracy, no genocide.
Just the thought of it gives me the creeps.

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KingAfrica wrote:
April 16, 2009 22:55

Pretty soon, all of Bolivia will be on an involuntary hiunger strike as the country defaults on its sovereign debts and its economy collapses. Only Britain can provide the solution: Colonization and Anglo-Re-education of the masses as well as orthodox economic measures, a devaluatino of the Boliviano, and the destruction of all plantlife in the country, if those stubborn people persist in growing drugs for export to the US and Britain.
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keb Mo At Monk Jazz

You could see him there. From a friend in the Delta.

"There has got to be microbes associated with that" - science guy in Antarctica

What Jill Mikucki says about the bacteria she found RISING FROM THE ICE AT THE SOUTH POLE.

I learned that glaciers have snouts and that there's a place called, dammit, Blood Falls in Antarctica, spouting ancient microorganisms.

I just want to point out that this science article just allowed me to spell "microorganisms," as well.

Ali is the devil, even if he done wrastled with an alligator

So alleges Smokin' Joe in not so many words:

"Frazier also believes that Ali calling himself the greatest and his arrogant boasts was 'a slap in the Lord's face,'..."

Okay. You be the judge: "I'm young, I'm handsome, I'm fast, I'm pretty, and can't possibly be beat."

You can see him smack Frazier around in the movie from which that clip is drawn, "When We Were Kings."

Spying on you

They be doin' that. So, yeah,

"And in one previously undisclosed episode, the N.S.A. tried to wiretap a member of Congress without a warrant, an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the matter said."

Emphasis added to the NYT's piece on how the domestic intelligence agency may have, ahem, "overcollect[ed]" in its surveillance of Americans.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Last little bit of millions of pieces

From the latest The Economist report on St. Louis, Missouri:

"Almost by accident, environmentalists discovered that an untouched 25-acre plot in the cemetery was one of the last bits of the prairie that, till the early 19th century, covered most of the site of present-day St Louis."

The cemetery has both the remains of Dred Scott (yes, that one) and, for some Nimiipuu people,

"An important new monument was dedicated in 2003 to the memory of four Nez Perce warriors, two of whom died in St. Louis while visiting William Clark after his expedition through the Louisiana Territory. The warriors had been baptized during their stay in St. Louis, which was intended to gather information and contacts that would empower their people in a land now under the control of European culture."

Oh yeah, that paedocidal maniac, W.T. Sherman is buried there, too.

Low-ridin' pant-linin'

Evidently, it's against the law in some places to show "skin" or "underwear" behind your pants. But, "[P]ublic defenders argued that sagging pants were a constitutionally protected expression of identity." And, then, my favorite location for an interview, as well as overall point made in the article,

“There are a bunch of other laws about
clothes they should make,” said Carlos
Edwards, sitting in a church van. Mr.
Edwards cited the use of trench coats
by teenagers involved in the Columbine

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Kenyon Review's website updated

Much easier to navigate, and it seems less reproductive of the gravity of the good text itself.

Sample, from one of the 2008 Short Fiction winners:

[....] Mom brushed our identical shoulder-length blonde hair. Scrubbed our identical cheeks. But I held the shampoo in the bathtub. I held the towels. I pulled her hair back with both of my good hands when she got stomach flu each winter. I peeled her fruit. I tied her shoes. I zipped up her prom dress. I kicked Ben Crumley in the crotch when he said his mom had made him invite her, that a girl with one arm would never be kissed on the mouth. I kicked him twice for that.

Language, Sovereignty, Enterprise

"Native Now" -- by its three sections -- from the website for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's program, produced by the American Experience production people, We Shall Remain.

Fewer than "ten people" speak Nipmuc, which is taught here: April 13, 2009 clip.

You can learn about the Cherokee and Shawnee languages, too, at their respective links in the lower left.

The Northern Arapaho Experience

Accept no substitutes. From the Casino:

If the Wyoming Business Report is correct, The Little Wind at Ethete has already opened.

Need a dictionary? 'D better use it rightly.

Black Turk Talks Back To Barack Or Something

Say, here's the NYT blog that has the video and the "anchor" or however you wish to call him explaining. An overseas correspondent provides extended context:

"I've never practiced true love." Vidal, 11 April 2009

Gore Vidal on Bill Maher's show. Covers all politics and culture right now; the first preludes with a fake "Barter Day" ad at Wal-Mart and the second begins, in media res, with a discussion of how the Romans did not recognize the difference between styles of sexualities.

Part I:
Part II is in the related content menu on the right.

You can find the complete by searching "real time" "bill maher" part4 and part5 and some variation of the date it aired, which is the 10 April edition (though aired live starting at the midnight of the 11th).

Vidal, re being a conservative: "Admittedly, I can read the New York Times without moving my lips, which is a sign of Communism."