Monday, April 27, 2009

The Lord Is My Shepard, He Know What I Want

A tit for tat with Bernie Mac and Chris Tucker. Not for the heartily correct.

Well, if Edith Wharton hated it...

We're going back to wear our nasty surfer shirts in dreary Gaul.

Atheist Is The New Gay

I guess.

“Is everyone in favor of sponsoring a picnic for humanists with families?”

Oh, puke. Everyone knows atheist was cool like 5 years ago.

Seriously, queer shit is getting completely vanillified. Dude, you can get butt-married in Iowa, now.


So there's this terrible old joke: What does a humanist in the klan do at night?--Wears a hood to your lawn to burn question marks.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

God Hates Wags

The legendary Fred Phelps clan, of fame for protesting soldiers' funerals and generally hating America and murder victims, has now struck Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda.

My favorite quotation is from Susan Russell: "I mean, that sign -- 'You will eat your babies' -- that doesn't even mean anything."

Isn't this protest a bit esoteric even for Phelps? I mean, is he now reduced to harassing monuments to literary figures? What's next, Oscar Wilde's gravesite? That road where Bessie Smith died in Mississippi? How about all of Harlem, since Langston Hughes probably trawled the lot of it. Alexander The Great's furthest conquered territories? I could go on, but

Bea Arthur died and I need to mourn.