Friday, April 17, 2009

"devaluatino of the Boliviano" - an intercontinental rhyme on Evo Morales

Shall any of our print news publications survive when even the comments page at The Economist is wittier than, say, that Seal Confirms Klum's Pregnancy at New York Concert, which the NYT's felt necessary to notify its readers of, and noting, since evidently the baby's getting older, that this news was born only "9 minutes ago."

But, thankfully, here're the comments on the Bolivia article:

el_economista wrote:
April 17, 2009 8:47

Good news for Bolivia! Both government and opposition have to understand that they have to learn to live with each other. Both parties are crucial to sustain democracy in the country.
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SisifoDichoso wrote:
April 17, 2009 8:17

Indeed. Imagine what would have been of the world without western colonialism.
No slavery, no piracy, no genocide.
Just the thought of it gives me the creeps.

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KingAfrica wrote:
April 16, 2009 22:55

Pretty soon, all of Bolivia will be on an involuntary hiunger strike as the country defaults on its sovereign debts and its economy collapses. Only Britain can provide the solution: Colonization and Anglo-Re-education of the masses as well as orthodox economic measures, a devaluatino of the Boliviano, and the destruction of all plantlife in the country, if those stubborn people persist in growing drugs for export to the US and Britain.
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