Sunday, April 12, 2009

"I've never practiced true love." Vidal, 11 April 2009

Gore Vidal on Bill Maher's show. Covers all politics and culture right now; the first preludes with a fake "Barter Day" ad at Wal-Mart and the second begins, in media res, with a discussion of how the Romans did not recognize the difference between styles of sexualities.

Part I:
Part II is in the related content menu on the right.

You can find the complete by searching "real time" "bill maher" part4 and part5 and some variation of the date it aired, which is the 10 April edition (though aired live starting at the midnight of the 11th).

Vidal, re being a conservative: "Admittedly, I can read the New York Times without moving my lips, which is a sign of Communism."

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